Oregon shooting: Gunman was student in class where he killed 9

Popular YouTube music vlogger Anthony Fantano of The Needle Drop was misidentified by an Australian news agency as the gunman responsible for yesterday's mass shooting at Umpqua Community College in Roseburg, 

She confirmed that all of the weapons were purchased legally and traced to a federal firearms dealer. Seven of the weapons were purchased by the shooter or his family members in the last three years, Nunez said. Law enforcement also recovered a jacket 

ROSEBURG, Ore. — A disturbing and tragically familiar portrait of the nation's latest mass shooter emerged Friday, as investigators and survivors described an angry, disconnected young man with a stockpile of guns and a possible grudge against

Multiple Updates Below – Shooter ID'd as 26-year-old "Chris Harper Mercer" ♢ Last night an anonymous poster on the Website 4Chan posted a warning of an intent to carry out an attack at a Northwest U.S. Community College 

ROSEBURG, Ore. — The 26-year-old gunman in the deadly shooting spree in southern Oregon is believed to have left behind a document that glorified mass killings and bitterly referred to his lonely existence with few human contacts outside the Internet,