'Orange Is the New Black' is in transition

Glory, glory hallelujah, the new season of Orange Is The New Black is almost here. Though you won't have to wait long for the release of the show there's a new trailer, which yields a little more insight into the upcoming season. It seems that Caputo's

So she steals a taxi, crashes it (native New Yorkers don't need to drive, after all), but is freed from prison while her other friends are locked up. Her mother, who we were last shown to be distant, may not be Mother of the Year, as her behavior may

So she steals a taxi, crashes it (native New Yorkers don't need to drive, after all), but is freed from prison while her other friends are locked up. Her mother, who we were last shown to be distant, may not be Mother of the Year, as her behavior may

Lauren Johnson found out she was pregnant a week before she was arrested for drug possession. She was in jail by the time she gave birth to her son in 2004, and spent three days with him at hospital. It was five months before she saw him again, when he 

The storm has passed. Thanks to the abrupt departure of Orange Is the New Black's latest head hen, Vee ( Lorraine Toussaint ), Litchfield Prison finds a new world order in Season 3, which debuted on Netflix late Thursday. Last season, Vee loomed large,