'Orange Is the New Black' canceled? Netflix reacts to hoax

Jodie Foster On 'Orange Is The New Black' Directing Emmy Nom: 'Dramedy Jodie Foster is carving out a nice, new career as a TV director. Though she hit a bump with her last feature directorial, the Mel Gibson drama, The Beaver ($971K), she rebounded 

Jodie Foster On 'Orange Is The New Black' Directing Emmy Nom: 'Dramedy Jodie Foster is carving out a nice, new career as a TV director. Though she hit a bump with her last feature directorial, the Mel Gibson drama, The 

That may be the case after a parody site's claims that Netflix had cancelled its hit show “Orange Is the New Black” led to a massive Twitter storm of shock and outrage. Many of those outraged were clearly doing so based solely 

“Orange Is the New Black's” Laverne Cox is among the diverse group of women John Legend tapped for his latest video. The video for "You & I (Nobody in the World)" dropped Thursday, the same day Cox made Emmys history as the first openly transgender 

She kissed a girl and she liked it. “Orange is the New Black” star Jackie Cruz says girls just want to have fun when it comes to lip locking with ladies on the small screen. “Who hasn't kissed a girl!” Cruz tells The News at an Uberliss beauty event at