One Direction's Liam Payne Under Fire For Tweet Supporting 'Duck Dynasty's …

The singer's self-tweeted photo whipped up a storm of righteous indignation, but please don't blame Jodie Marsh for US gun violence.

Payne, Phil Robertson, Duck Dynasty, Liam Payne, Willie Robertson, Teen News. One Direction's Liam Payne came under fire on Saturday afternoon after he sent a tweet to "Duck Dynasty" star Willie Robertson praising him for upholding "family values.".

One Direction's Liam Payne has apologized for standing on a balcony ledge, which his friends photographed and briefly tweeted.

ONE Direction star Liam Payne downed six vodka and Red Bulls at a late-night party before performing this deadly balcony stunt. By Paul Martin/ Published 19th January 2014. One Direction, Liam Payne DEATH DEFYING: Liam posed on a balcony after 

One Direction star Liam Payne tweets support to Duck Dynasty fam!