Officials tally damage from 5.1 earthquake; clean-up continues

Scott Martelle, writing in the L.A. Times: Here's a statistic for you. Out of 10,855 peer-reviewed articles in scientific journals last year that dealt with some aspect of global warming, all but two accepted human behavior as the 

WASHINGTON – The top U.S. and Russian diplomats agreed Sunday to work with Ukrainian officials to ease the crisis triggered by Russia's decision to annex Crimea, but remained far apart on most other key points after four hours of talks in Paris

It's disturbing when a Pulitzer-nominated investigative reporter is summarily fired by a newspaper, but especially so when the reasons for the firing fail to add up. In a swift move that has shaken the L.A. Times newsroom, 

"South Los Angeles, in general, is short on street trees," said Malcolm Carson, general counsel and policy director with the nonprofit Community Health Councils. "So the idea that we're losing trees that are so valued … that take decades to grow, at a

LA Observed file photo. The Los Angeles Times has named Kimi Yoshino as the new editor of the Business section and staff. She succeeds Marla Dickerson, who left the paper for the Wall Street Journal. Here's this morning's