Official: Health Secretary Kathleen Sebelius resigning

Officially, [Kathleen] Sebelius made the decision to resign and was not forced out. And while that may be narrowly true, she was clearly out of favor in the administration. With Sebelius leaving, the White House can try for a 

Health and Human Services Sec. Kathleen Sebelius resigned on Thursday and, in a speech in the Rose Garden of the White House on Friday, thanked members of the Obama administration and expressed her gratitude for 

Health Secrerary Kathleen Sebelius is resigning after a five-year term that will no doubt be remembered for the calamitous implementation of President Obama's signature legislation, the Affordable Care Act. If you remember, when the federal government 

WASHINGTON, April 10 (Reuters) – U.S. Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius is resigning after overseeing the botched rollout of President Barack Obama's signature healthcare law, a White House official said on Thursday. Her departure 

The woman in charge of guiding United States health policy and the figurehead of, Kathleen Sebelius, is reportedly resigning from her position. Bloomberg cites sources within the Obama administration with