Of Course Stephen Colbert, the Character, Didn't Die. We're Going to Need Him.

More than a few of Washington's political elites have been flummoxed by the late-night host, who often persuaded or duped poorly briefed politicos to humiliate themselves on late-night TV. Here are some of the best gaffes and takedowns of the Colbert era:.

More than a few of Washington's political elites have been flummoxed by the late-night host, who often persuaded or duped poorly briefed politicos to humiliate themselves on late-night TV. Here are some of the best gaffes and takedowns of the Colbert era:.

The fallout from the North Korean-linked hack of Sony Pictures was the top story, but the which also featured the CRomnibus budget bill, and historic normalization of relations with Cuba. Those stories and the end of The Colbert Report dominated this

Stephen Colbert concluded a nine-year run playing a charismatic conservative commentator named "Stephen Colbert" last night, wrapping up his Comedy Central series in preparation to succeed David Letterman on CBS's 

Stephen Colbert headed into “immortality” on Thursday night alongside a room full of friends and former guests on the Colbert Report finale, before taking to the skies with some of his heroes. “Thanks for taking some of your