Oculus VR Founder Explains Why We Can Breathe A Sigh Of Relief About …

Since the launch of the Oculus Kickstarter, we've been focused on building the best virtual reality platform. The original development kit was a strong starting point that showed the world a glimpse of presence, but its 

According to a report at Realscreen, the upcoming Conquest of the Skies is currently filming with a special eight-camera rig to deliver 360-degree video for users of the upcoming Oculus Rift virtual reality headset. While we 

The Oculus Rift is a wonderful thing, but it takes a lot out of you, physically. You need to be at your best while using it, because there's a lot of stuff going on between your eyes and your brain. This guy is not at his best, and it has cost him

That's why when Cameron responded to a question on Saturday about making films using a virtual-reality device such as the Oculus Rift, many ears in the tech and filmmaking community will likely perk up. See also: 360-View Oculus Rift Film Gets 

We started Oculus with a vision of delivering incredible, affordable, and ubiquitous consumer virtual reality to the world. We've come a long way in the last 18 months: from foam core prototypes built in a garage to an incredible