Obama's State of the Union 2015 Transcript (Full Text) and Video

First lady Michelle Obama is a known admirer of designer Michael Kors, having chosen his sleek black sheath for her official White House portrait. So it was no surprise that she would choose a look from one of his collections for Tuesday night's State

They drained the life out of his State of the Union address. When a Democratic president proposes “freez[ing] annual domestic spending for the next five years” and requiring “painful cuts … to things I care deeply about,” he's unlikely to exude

PRESIDENT Barack Obama will be delivering his 6th state of the union speech tonight. Though the address comes just as many new Republican Senators and Congressman decorate their offices on Capitol Hill, having taken control of the Senate and held on 

President Barack Obama spent much of his State of the Union address on Tuesday touting improvements in the United States economy and advocating for new domestic initiatives including free community college and tax cuts for the middle class — ideas

The consensus reaction to President Obama's State of the Union speech last night was that he took a strong, ambitious stand, claiming credit for the recovering economy and challenging his Republican adversaries in Congress to “turn the page” by