Obama's Iran Nuclear Deal Pits His Faith in Diplomacy Against Skepticism

BEIRUT, Lebanon — The agreement between world powers and Iran over its nuclear program provoked sharp reactions Tuesday across the Arab world, with some hoping the diplomatic success would reduce tensions and others fearing it would empower 

The agreement will over time ease international sanctions levied against Iran in exchange for that country curbing its nuclear program. Obama said the agreement “is not built on trust, it is built on verification” and that the international community

Iran and world powers on Tuesday announced they had sealed a final nuclear deal with Tehran that will lift most economic sanctions on the country and permit it to continue many of the most controversial aspects of its nuclear 

Against the backdrop of daily reports of atrocities at the hands of terror groups in Egypt, Syria, Yemen and Iraq, the world now has word of a nuclear agreement between the P5+1 and the Iranian regime, which–even in the most optimistic reading–not only

President Barack Obama on Tuesday responded to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Republican presidential contenders who have openly criticized the Iranian nuclear deal. Obama, speaking to New York