Obamacare hits enrollment goal with 7.1 million sign-ups, President says

Back when rate shock, website problems and lagging enrollment were threatening to unravel the new health care law before it fully took effect, I concluded a column on Obamacare's repeated near-death experiences with the 

While continuing to face deep skepticism from Republicans, President Obama and his team ran a victory lap of sorts Tuesday after declaring that more than 7 million people signed up for health insurance on the ObamaCare exchanges before the midnight 

For the first time since ABC News and Washington Post started polling on public support for Obamacare, the law has more support than opposition. According to their newest survey, conducted nationally from March 26-30 

While continuing to face deep skepticism from Republicans, President Obama and his team ran a victory lap of sorts Tuesday after declaring that more than 7 million people signed up for health insurance on the ObamaCare exchanges before the midnight 

Enrolling healthy forty-year-olds in Obamacare could be just as important as enrolling the “young invincibles.”