Obama Threatens To Veto Planned Parenthood Defunding Bill

The Planned Parenthood Association of Utah's fight to maintain its federally funded programs in the state will be spearheaded in part by Kate Kelly, the attorney who led a push for female ordination in the LDS Church. Kelly will join the staff of the

But one idea emerged as a possibility that could assuage conservatives who want the party to take a stand on defunding Planned Parenthood in the upcoming vote to fund the government beyond Sept. 30. The proposal 

Republican candidates also shared whether they would be willing to move toward a government shutdown in order to to defund Planned Parenthood, currently an objective of some hardline conservative leaders. Ohio Gov. John Kasich said he wouldn't be 

Following the release of several videos claiming to prove Planned Parenthood illegally profits off of aborted fetal tissue, many anti-abortion politicians have called for cutting off federal funding to the women's health organization. At the second

Several Republican presidential candidates have claimed that Planned Parenthood is “profiting” from abortions. But the full, unedited video they cite as evidence shows a Planned Parenthood executive repeatedly saying its