Obama said what?! State of the Union explained

(CNN) — Just think of President Barack Obama's State of the Union address as a Rorschach of sorts. Sure, there were plenty of feisty proclamations and bold promises for action. But the political context behind the swagger reveals a President who is

Instead, #madmen became about something much more than a TV show when President Barack Obama made reference to the 1960s-set drama during last night's State of the Union address. The President mentioned the show in reference to '60s-worthy 

President Obama's State of the Union address is expected to lay out how he will “bypass Congress” by acting through executive orders to advance policies that he cannot get passed in the legislature. There is a major problem with this, familiar from

When US President Barack Obama delivered his sixth State of the Union address Tuesday night, those listening at home may have heard variations on a theme that Obama focused on in his fifth address: the US economy and 

Since the Affordable Care Act went from bill to law, President Obama hadn't made health care a major focus of his annual State of the Union address. That changed in a big way on Tuesday night. The president spent about 7% of his speech—roughly five