Obama lays wreath at Tomb of Unknown Soldier in Memorial Day observance

But there were no rocket attacks that Monday—at least none targeting our base, none that interrupted our Memorial Day ceremony. A grizzled gunnery sergeant called the group to order, then a soft-spoken Navy admiral 

Which is to say, scores of highly-paid elite athletes are pretending – in part – to wear military gear as part of the tribute to armed services personnel planned for Memorial Day (which, it should be noted, is not Veterans Day, but the day the nation

Memorial Day may be spent having beach parties and barbecues, but many also take time to remember the reason for this national holiday. A number of celebrities — Justin Timberlake, Channing Tatum, Mark Wahlberg and Eva Longoria among them — took 

President Barack Obama will marks Memorial Day Monday by making speech from Arlington National Cemetery, where he will also lay a ceremonial wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown. Live coverage of the even will begin at 

Which is to say, scores of highly-paid elite athletes are pretending – in part – to wear military gear as part of the tribute to armed services personnel planned for Memorial Day (which, it should be noted, is not Veterans Day, but the day the nation