Obama gives Congress Guantanamo closure plan

President Obama put forward a plan to close the U.S. prison at Guantanamo Bay — something he promised to do at the very beginning of his presidency. But the plan landed with a thud in Congress, raising questions about what happens next.

Missouri Democratic U.S. Senate candidate Jason Kander on Tuesday announced his opposition to President Barack Obama's plan to close the U.S. military prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, saying it might hinder in the fight against the terrorist network ISIS.

WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)—Making good on one of his key campaign promises, President Obama signed an executive order on Tuesday relocating the United States Congress to Guantánamo Bay, Cuba. The President seemed to relish signing 

"Our elected leaders' greatest responsibility is ensuring the safety of our communities and our families," Ashford said in a press release. "Guantanamo Bay houses dangerous terrorists who must be kept in isolation, away from our citizens. We must also

“I think my ultimate fear is the fact that we don't have a place because the president hasn't used Guantanamo Bay to put these hardened terrorists [away]. The fact is he's going to release people, I think he's talking about now releasing another 35