Nurses defend Miss Colorado after 'The View' hosts mock her monologue (VIDEO)

By now you've probably seen evidence of all three million American nurses expressing their outrage at The View on social media in defense of Miss Colorado contestant Kelley Johnson after co-host Joy Behar mocked her for delivering a 

Really good," Collins said. "But then there was a girl who wrote her own monologue and I was like 'Turn the volume up, this is going be amazing, let's listen'. She came out in a nurse's uniform and basically read her emails out loud and shockingly did

"It is a NURSE stethoscope too," she wrote. "I use it to listen to a child's lungs, so I can quickly get them to the appropriate level of care, reassuring both child and parent. I also use it to listen to our elderly loved ones, who sometimes have

Miss America contestant and nurse Kelley Johnson takes to the stage—in her scrubs. And we LOVE it.

Nurses Criticize “The View” After Hosts Slam Miss Colorado's Talent Monologue. by Nina Bookout on September 15, 2015. Last week the Miss America pageant took place in New Jersey, and of course several contestants made newsworthy