North Korea through a Google Glass lens

(CNN) — iReporter Kenny Zhu visited North Korea in April and was able to take video footage and photos with his Google Glass during the trip (the complete iReport is here). Zhu, wearing Google Glass, said he encountered curiosity from officials and

Google Glass currently sells for $1,500 and costs just $152.47 to make. Does that mean Google is earning a hefty profit on each sale? Not at all, says research firm IHS. In a new teardown treatment of Google Glass, IHS found that the cost, or bill of

Google is evolving into “a more open beta” for Glass, continuing the Explorer Program for early adopters, according to a post today on the Google+ page for Google Glass. Glass Explorers in the U.S. can now buy Google 

Sometimes breaking news happens right before your eyes while you're out and about. If you happen to be wearing Google Glass when those events take place, CNN now has a way for you to share photos and videos of the 

(CNN) — iReporter Kenny Zhu visited North Korea in April and was able to take video footage and photos with his Google Glass during the trip (the complete iReport is here). Zhu, wearing Google Glass, said he encountered curiosity from officials and