North Korea Let Amy Adams Host the Show Again

Still, this was a very nice read on Harvard coach Tommy Amaker. [Daily Press]. Oklahoma State AD takes a jab at his coach of not wanting to play tough games. [Oklahoman]. Handy little NFL Draft prospect viewing guide for bowl games. [NFL Draft Geek].

BREAKING: Dallas Buyers Club helmer Jean-Marc Vallee is signing on to direct Amy Adams as Janis Joplin in Get It While You Can, the working title for the biographical film that has a script by Ron and Theresa Terry and will 

Amy Adams gets saddled with labels like “well-scrubbed,” “America's sweetheart,” and “America's well-scrubbed sweetheart,” but I think back to the first time I saw on an episode of Buffy The Vampire Slayer her for evidence of her versatility. (Sure

Amy Adams gets saddled with labels like “well-scrubbed,” “America's sweetheart,” and “America's well-scrubbed sweetheart,” but I think back to the first time I saw on an episode of Buffy The Vampire Slayer her for evidence of her versatility. (Sure

Still, this was a very nice read on Harvard coach Tommy Amaker. [Daily Press]. Oklahoma State AD takes a jab at his coach of not wanting to play tough games. [Oklahoman]. Handy little NFL Draft prospect viewing guide for bowl games. [NFL Draft Geek].