'Noah' Review: 8 Observations About Darren Aronofsky's Captivating But Flawed …

Darren Aronofsky's Bible-based epic Noah, out on Friday, stars Russell Crowe, Jennifer Connelly, Douglas Booth, Anthony Hopkins, Emma Watson, Ray Winstone and Logan Lerman.

Movies about the Bible are as old as the film industry itself. Cecil B. DeMille, the original blockbuster director, made The Ten Commandments in 1923 follow by movies like The King of Kings and Samson and Delilah. But for the past few decades, Bible

As Noah tells the creation story, a single-cell amoeba-like object is seen morphing into two cells that eventually become the creatures of the sea. The fish are shown growing feet and walking onto the land as reptiles, which in turn morph into various

As soon as the momentum around this picture as offensive Scripturally began to go – and it is clear that this was generated intentionally by the studio and PR people promoting Noah – the Christians felt themselves 

Disclaimer: A few weeks ago, I was invited to attend a screening of Darren's Aronofksy's highly anticipated and purportedly controversial new film on Noah. Our small group spent a considerable amount of time both before and