No, this winter solstice wasn't the longest ever. Scientists explain what we …

On Sunday, I published a story claiming that the 2014 winter solstice would feature the longest night in earth's history. That claim was absolutely incorrect. How did I get this wrong? My reasoning was that the days on earth are gradually lengthening

Winter weather hit many parts of the U.S. early this year. Yet officially (using the astronomical and traditional definition), the new season begins with the winter solstice at 6:03 p.m. ET today. Why are the shortest days not the coldest? And why was

Lost in the shuffle of the holiday season, the employees at the Robert A. Lee Recreation Center in Iowa City felt that the winter solstice often went ignored. They hoped to help end that Saturday afternoon. While a light snow fell outside, employees

Google has a Doodle, aka Google Logo, on their home page on many of the Google properties for the Winter Solstice, the shortest day and the longest night of the year. The Doodle also represents the first day of Winter

Comments of the Week #40: From dark matter searches to the winter solstice. Posted by Ethan on December 20, 2014. (0). More ». Image credit: European Space Agency, NASA and Jean-Paul Kneib (Observatoire Midi-Pyrénées,