Nigella Lawson's ex-husband behind travel ban: friends

Celebrity chef Nigella Lawson was last in headlines during her court appearance, and now she's making them again, but this time outside of the courtroom. "The TV cook admitted taking cocaine during the trial of her former 

Celebrity chef Nigella Lawson, who acknowledged last year that she had occasionally used cocaine, was denied permission to board a flight to the United States over the weekend, the U.S. Embassy said. The embassy did not disclose the reason for refusing 

Platt said Lawson has been invited to the embassy to apply for a travel visa. "We understand she has professional requirements for U.S. travel," she said. "These matters are generally handled routinely and expeditiously." View original Nigella Lawson

US TELEVISION network lawyers are backing Nigella Lawson's bid to return to America, telling immigration officials she is “urgently required” to attend a series of business meetings.

I'm not a natural Nigella acolyte in that I've never deep-fried a Bounty or smoked dope in front of my children or sensuously flaunted my clotted cream cleavage to anyone apart from my nearest and dearest. And possibly that Spanish waiter on holiday.