NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell Faces New Pressure to Resign

NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell says he does NOT expect to be fired for the way he handled the Ray Rice situation claiming he's "used to…

I think we're all still processing the latest apparent confirmation of NFL commissioner Roger Goodell's aggressively inept weasel-hood. But the more you consider this latest development, the more mind-blowing it becomes: Is the NFL commissioner really

Two days after a graphic video surfaced showing the star running back Ray Rice knocking out his fiancée, N.F.L. Commissioner Roger Goodell continued to scramble to get ahead of the brewing controversy about whether he had seen the video before 

With the stuff that is brown hitting the fan this afternoon, NFL commissioner Roger Goodell has decided to keep his friends from getting splattered with it. Amid reports that law enforcement officials did provide the Ray Rice video to the league in

NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell says he does NOT expect to be fired for the way he handled the Ray Rice situation claiming he's "used to…