New York premiere of 'The Interview' canceled

The Guardians of Peace (they of the titanic Sony Pictures hack) showed off an almost benevolent side this weekend when it offered to withhold personal em.

The Guardians of Peace (they of the titanic Sony Pictures hack) showed off an almost benevolent side this weekend when it offered to withhold personal em.

The latest threat by Sony hackers — warning a 9/11-type attack at movie theaters that play "The Interview" — is not credible, at least on available…

The latest threat by Sony hackers — warning a 9/11-type attack at movie theaters that play "The Interview" — is not credible, at least on available…

We will clearly show it to you at the very time and places “The Interview” be shown, including the premiere, how bitter fate those who seek fun in terror should be doomed to,” reads the message posted on Tuesday. “Soon all the world will see what an