New ACA lawsuit makes matters worse in Florida

MSNBC loves Morning Joe, but the show has lost so many young viewers that Joe Scarborough now has lower ratings than CNN's Headline News.

MSNBC, the liberal network that advocates at every turn for a progressive revenue system, is home to four tax delinquents who have all lectured their audience about tax fairness over the years. Rev. Al Sharpton, PoliticsNation 

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It's an issue she's taken up before: MSNBC's Alex Seitz-Wald adds that Hillary Clinton has been vocal on the issue of criminal-justice reform leading up to her presidential announcement. Here she was back in December: “In her strongest comments yet

MSNBC's takes on the violence and rioting in Baltimore Monday night were just as sizzling as its November coverage of Ferguson following the decision not to indict Officer Darren Wilson in the death of Michael Brown.