Net Neutrality celebration

The Federal Communications Commission approved the policy known as net neutrality by a 3-2 vote at its Thursday meeting, with FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler saying the policy will ensure "that no one — whether government 

With the FCC voting 3-2 to enact net neutrality regulations under Title II of the 1934 Communications Act, the focus now shifts to Comcast's next move regarding its planned Time Warner Cable acquisition. The $45 billion deal, combining the two largest

Today's FCC decision to protect the internet with Title II regulation is a big win for the internet and net neutrality advocates — and the start of a big fight for both sides of the issue. But here's a pretty big question, what is net 

Where were you the day the internet was freed from ISP tyranny? Apparently, you were either watching two llamas on the lam or tweeting that a clearly black and blue dress was actually gold and white. When two escaped 

The FCC's ruling on net neutrality yesterday was the agency's most significant action in decades — but it didn't come easy. It's something that's been d.