Net Neutrality and the Idea of America

As you may have seen from all the recent discussion around Net Neutrality, we find ourselves at a critical crossroads for the continued development of an open Internet. This Thursday, the FCC will be unveiling their “Open 

The agency's suggested regulations, they say, will either sacrifice a key tenet of the Internet—net neutrality, a storied and contested idea—or prove ineffectual. They say the agency must re-categorize broadband Internet providers, so that they

(Reuters) – U.S. telecommunications regulators on Thursday formally proposed new "net neutrality" rules that may let Internet service providers charge content companies for faster and more reliable delivery of their traffic to users. Federal

The Federal Communications Commission is expected to issue new proposed rules this week on “network neutrality,” the principle that broadband Internet service providers can't discriminate among the content that runs 

This morning, proposed rules regarding net neutrality passed the FCC on a vote of three to two, as expected. We now enter a comment period in which the “Protecting and Promoting the Open Internet” Notice of Proposed Rulemaking will be debated. Keep in