Net Neutrality and the Idea of America

So what happens now that the Federal Communications Commission voted to release a net neutrality proposal and seek public comments? The FCC vote releases a so-called notice of proposed rulemaking, or NPRM, where the agency proposes new rules 

Speculation about what is in the net neutrality proposal drafted by Tom Wheeler, chairman of the Federal Communications Commission, will mostly come to an end on Thursday, when Mr. Wheeler is expected to release his 

The agency's suggested regulations, they say, will either sacrifice a key tenet of the Internet—net neutrality, a storied and contested idea—or prove ineffectual. They say the agency must re-categorize broadband Internet providers, so that they

Five months ago, the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals came down hard and essentially neutered 2010's Open Internet Order. Today, the FCC voted — in a split decision along party lines — to try again with a proposal for new Net 

The U.S. Federal Communications Commission has voted to release a hotly debated proposal to reinstate net neutrality rules, asking whether it should move forward a proposal allowing broadband providers to engage in “commercially reasonable” traffic