National Donut Day Is In June AND November. But Why Are There 2?

Whether they're consumed in the morning or late at night after an eventful night out on the town, there is simply no wrong time to consume a doughnut. The only drawback to these delectable, irresistible treats is one simple thing: Doughnuts are high in

But donuts — which we're focused on today because they get two national food holidays, because yes, they are very special — fail this test miserably. Donuts can be awful. A stale donut is bad. An overly-sweet donut is bad. A donut that is too dense

Mmmmmm… donuts. And not just any donuts: Free donuts. What could be better? Friday is National Donut Day and Thrillist has put together a complete list of all the places that are giving away free donuts to celebrate this 

But donuts — which we're focused on today because they get two national food holidays, because yes, they are very special — fail this test miserably. Donuts can be awful. A stale donut is bad. An overly-sweet donut is bad. A donut that is too dense

Friday, June 5 is National Donut (or Doughnut) Day. The event marks a near-century old tradition when women Salvation Army volunteers known as "Lassies" made donuts for soldiers on the front lines of World War I.