Nation Honors American Heroes on Veterans Day

We have compiled a selection of pictures to post on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and other social media sites to honor this glorious American day. Veterans Day is a holiday where we commemorate everything that has been sacrificed by our military troops

It's Veterans Day in the U.S. and Armistice Day in much of Europe, a holiday that has its roots in the end of World War I. President Obama visited Arlington National Cemetery Wednesday, where Marines in dress uniform lined the road leading to the Tomb

It's Veterans Day in the U.S. and Armistice Day in much of Europe, a holiday that has its roots in the end of World War I. President Obama visited Arlington National Cemetery Wednesday, where Marines in dress uniform lined the road leading to the Tomb

Happy Veterans Day 2015 Images Pictures Wallpapers: Every year, Veterans Day is observed on November 11 and also known as Armistice Day and Remembrance Day depending on the demographics. Schools have a holiday and including some offices to 

Happy Veterans Day Pictures Images – Veterans Day is an annual holiday in America. This day is celebrated on 11th November from 1919 in US and in France on 11th November 1918, to remember the sacrifices that person who made during