NASA's Orion Tests Future of Manned Spaceflight

The Delta 4-Heavy rocket and Orion will prepare to try again tomorrow to launch on the flight test around the Earth. Liftoff was delayed from the original 7:05 a.m. by an errant boat in the restricted waters of the Atlantic, ground 

After several complications, the Orion launch has been delayed until Friday morning.

CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. — NASA will attempt to launch its new deep-space capsule on Friday (Dec. 5), one day after a rocket glitch scrapped plans to send the spacecraft on its ambitious first test flight. NASA's Orion deep-space capsule was scheduled to 

“The launch itself is just a blast,” NASA Orion program manager Mark Geyer quipped on NASA TV shortly after liftoff, “as you see how well the rocket did. It was exciting to see.” Orion will orbit Earth once at relatively low 

NASA's Orion deep space probe launched successfully Friday morning for a test flight. … Protests over the Eric Garner grand jury decision continued across America Thursday night. … The next James Bond movie will be