My thoughts on the latest round of Mark Driscoll and Acts 29 controversy

I am not resigning because I doubt Mark's sincerity in any way. I believe in Mark Driscoll and his heart to leverage difficult lessons in service to Christ and his church in the years ahead. I am excited to continue to support that trajectory as Mark's

Apparently for a series titled Men Stepping Up, Mark Driscoll explains what happened in 2006-2007 and why the by-laws had to be changed and why good men had to be sacrificed. Watch: YouTube Preview Image. Transcript 

Ron Wheeler planted the first Acts 29 church in Mt. Vernon, WA. Wheeler was a regular companion of Mark Driscoll in the early days of Mars Hill Church. Now, Ron Wheeler has posted an open letter to Driscoll which 

A decade and a half ago, Mars Hill pastor Mark Driscoll co-founded the Acts 29 Network as a kind of social network for evangelical churches, an organization intended to help churches expand and grow within their local 

In a stunning move, the Acts 29 Network leadership has removed network co-founder and Mars Hill Church lead pastor Mark Driscoll from the organization's membership. I obtained a letter from several Acts 29 pastors which was sent to Driscoll and Mars