MTV Movie Awards: Amy Schumer's best jokes

Watching Amy Schumer crack up Ellen DeGeneres is pure joy!

Amy Schumer—comedian, star of Comedy Central's Inside Amy Schumer and Judd Apatow's upcoming Trainwreck—kicked off the MTV Movie Awards in true Amy Schumer fashion: by making some uncomfortable but 

But when Amy Schumer strides on stage—legs long and lean under a little black dress, blond ponytail swinging—a hush falls over the room. She opens with a wry “I believe it was my mentor, the great Bill Cosby, who said…” before plunging into the kind

Tons of eventful things happened during the MTV Movie Awards, but nothing tops host Amy Schumer, 33, macking on her gal pal Amber Rose, 31, while on a kiss cam during a commercial break. Best moment of the night?

The MTV Movie Awards host inserted herself into the biggest films of the year for Sunday night's opener, from lying in the grass with Boyhood's Ellar Coltrane to being rejected by Pitch Perfect's a-ca-awesome Brittany Snow and Anna Camp. But she was no