Movie Review: Black or White Has Big Ideas But Not Much Humanity

Various plot mechanics, some of them heavy-handed, lead to a resolution that predictably shows how little race ultimately matters, although “Black or White” never panders easily to sentiments, creating characters riddled with flaws but likeable all the

In writer-director Mike Binder's uneven but provocative "Black or White," Costner plays a grandfather for the first time in his career. A grandfather grieving for his longtime wife, who was killed in a car accident. A grandfather who has suddenly

“Selma” wasn't the only film about race to get short shrift from Oscar voters this past year. “Black or White” is a frank, touching and very well-acted melodrama about child custody and cultural perceptions of “blackness” and “the race card,” and could

"Black or White" is a movie with a message. It's based on actual events that occurred in the life of the film's writer and director, Mike Binder, a native of Detroit.

Halfway through the family drama “Black Or White,” Jeremiah Jeffers (Anthony Mackie) an Ivy-League educated lawyer, chastises his drug addict nephew Reggie (Andre Holland) in the midst of helping him regain custody of his daughter by asking, “Why do