Mormon church labels same-sex couples apostates

A new video purportedly released by the Islamic State shows six men charged with being members of “Apostate Rejectionist Committees” being executed by gunshot. The video was shared by Middle East terrorism watchdog 

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has instructed local church leaders that same-sex couples are apostates and that children living with them can't take part in church activities until they're adults and leave home, the church said

A new photo series purportedly released by the Islamic State shows three men accused of apostasy being executed by sword and gun in Nineveh, northern Iraq. Click on for uncensored photos of the murders. Viewer 

The Mormon Church stiffened its opposition to same-sex marriage, issuing a new handbook that categorizes gay couples as apostates and bars their children from joining the church till age 18. One liberal Mormon said it was “heartbreaking” to leave gay 

A new Mormon policy declares married same-sex couples apostates [KUTV] and bans their children from being baptized until independent. [Trib] [NBC] [DNews] [KUTV] [Fox13] [ABC4]. Tweets of the day: From @politicoroger: "Kimmel: 'You went to Donald