More Fights Ahead On Planned Parenthood After Senate Vote

Joe Scarborough attacked Democratic Senator Elizabeth Warren for standing up for Planned Parenthood in a way he considered insulting to voters' intelligence.

Our NBC/WSJ poll: It's rough for almost the entire 2016 field… Now you know why Hillary is up with new TV ads in August… Jeb's in rougher shape than the CW suggests… Rubio's upside… Your most popular figures/institutions in the poll: Planned 

Several Republican presidential candidates have claimed that Planned Parenthood is “profiting” from abortions. But the full, unedited video they cite as evidence shows a Planned Parenthood executive repeatedly saying its 

Republican presidential candidate and Louisiana governor Bobby Jindal announced Monday that he was ending his state's funding of Planned Parenthood.

Republican presidential candidate and Louisiana governor Bobby Jindal announced Monday that he was ending his state's funding of Planned Parenthood.