Monica Lewinsky is giving a TED talk

The artist who painted the portrait of Bill Clinton that hangs in Washington's National Portrait Gallery says he painted a shadow of the Monica Lewinsky scandal onto the canvas. [The Guardian]. Tatiana Trouvé's Desire Lines, an art project commissioned

WASHINGTON (CNN) — The painter whose portrait of former President Bill Clinton hangs in the National Portrait Gallery snuck a covert reference to Monica Lewinsky into it. Nelson Shanks, the celebrity painter, told the 

WASHINGTON (CNN) — The painter whose portrait of former President Bill Clinton hangs in the National Portrait Gallery snuck a covert reference to Monica Lewinsky into it. Nelson Shanks, the celebrity painter, told the 

Monica Lewinsky writes in Vanity Fair for the first time about her affair with President Clinton: “It's time to burn the beret and bury the blue dress.” She also says: “I, myself, deeply regret what happened between me and 

The artist who painted the famous portrait of Bill Clinton in the Oval Office in April, 2006 disclosed that he added a shadow of Monica Lewinsky's infamous blue dress into the painting. The real question is, though: is the dress actually black? Nina