Monica Lewinsky gave a really, really important TED talk on bullying

you probably know that Monica Lewinsky broke her silence in our pages this month to tell the story of being “the first person whose global humiliation was driven by the Internet” and to finally “burn the beret and bury the blue 

Monica Lewinsky explores the phenomenon of the online rebuttal, and how the new course of action gives those who feel wronged a stronger voice.

16 years after her affair with Bill Clinton was exposed, Monica Lewinsky critiques the culture that put a 24-year-old through the wringer.

A week before her much-heralded TED talk on cyberbullying, Monica Lewinsky spoke in a small town in Norway, warning the audience about the “immeasurable humiliation” it can cause.

Monica Lewinsky, on the abuse she was subjected to online after her affair with President Clinton was made public in 1998. The BBC points out that that was before the age of social media — but the news was first reported