Mitt Romney bows out of GOP presidential race over potential for political injury

Financial executives remember the attacks in 2012 all too well and, faced with the possibility of another Romney campaign, are wary of another round of negative attention. "His formal entry will shine brighter light on some of the issues in the

Mitt Romney will not run for president in 2016. Scott Kaufman · 30 Jan 2015 at 10:57 ET. Mitt Romney speaking at the 2013 Conservative Political Action Conference in National Harbor, Maryland (Gage Skidmore/Flickr). Don't miss stories.

Is Mitt Romney becoming a climate change crusader? During his 2012 presidential bid, Romney was dismissive about Democratic efforts to combat the effects of climate change, and he pushed for an expanded commitment to 

One of the turning points in Mitt Romney's 2008 campaign in Iowa.

Mitt Romney has formally shut the door on running for president in 2016. "After putting considerable thought into making another run for president, I've decided it is best to give other leaders in the party the opportunity to