Miss You Already is Relentlessly Sad, Just Like It's Supposed to Be

Movie Reviews: Suffragette, Miss You Already, Peanuts Movie, Spectre. Also: Labyrinth of Lies, Tab Hunter Confidential. Posted By Scott Renshaw on November 6, 2015, 9:57 AM. Familiar faces like James Bond and Charlie Brown hit the multiplexes, while 

If 1988's "Beaches" brought a tear to your eye, get ready for a new female friendship flick that's sure to get the waterworks going again. Drew Barrymore and Toni Collette stopped by TODAY Wednesday to talk about their film "Miss You Already," which

Tonally, Miss You Already is a slapdash mess of achingly sincere moments and tasteless jokes.

There is a scene in Miss You Already where Toni Collette's Milly, having just learned she has breast cancer, shows her kids a little animated film to explain the disease and how chemotherapy will fight it off with cartoon ray 

Steer your teens to another onscreen story if you can. Mainstream media – as in the Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Estates – is under scrutiny in "Trumbo" and "Spotlight," two excellent and important truth-based narrative features opening this week. "Trumbo