Microsoft's Plan to Convert All Our Gadgets to Windows

At the end of the HoloLens presentation, Microsoft showed of a holographic robot projected on top of a physical one. Calling the experience surreal would be a massive understatement.

Last October — six months ahead of the Apple Watch's debut — it launched the Microsoft Band. Reviews were mixed. Most complaints centered on the device's hardware. More of an activity tracker than a smartwatch, the Microsoft Band nonetheless filled

We hear a lot about The New Microsoft, where cloud computing, mobile apps, and holographic computing are driving the company to record profits. But at the same time, Microsoft's traditional Windows and Office businesses 

My Twitter timeline just blew up with selfies with boxes hovering above faces guessing how old people are, thanks to a demo app Microsoft showed off today to prove its face-recognition savvy — or lack thereof. “It's a really fun 

Microsoft introduced, a website to guess how old you are, at today's Microsoft Build 2015 developer conference. The site is way for Microsoft to show off what it's working on behind the scenes, with smarter