Michael Sam on Tony Dungy: 'Thank God he wasn't the St. Louis Rams coach'

On last night's show, Keith Olbermann took Tony Dungy to task for his comments that he "wouldn't have taken" Michael Sam because he "wouldn't want to deal with" the accompanying distractions.

It's not a shock that former coach and continued insufferable shit Tony Dungy says he wouldn't want anything to do with an openly gay player on his team. It's just surprising it took someone this long to ask him.

Tony Dungy thinks Michael Sam is a distraction. Maybe we should stop asking football coaches about distractions.

On last night's show, Keith Olbermann took Tony Dungy to task for his comments that he "wouldn't have taken" Michael Sam because he "wouldn't want to deal with" the accompanying distractions. The great thing about this clip, which starts at the two

Olbermann is the latest to take a swing at Tony Dungy's incredibly dumb remark about Michael Sam.