Michael Jordan, Yvette Prieto welcome twin girls

Congratulations are in order for Michael Jordan and Yvette Prieto! E! News confirms the NBA legend and his lady have welcomed twin girls into the world. So what are the newborn princesses' names?! "Michael and Yvette Jordan are thrilled to announce

The basketball gods are smiling today. Michael Jordan and his wife, Yvette Prieto Jordan, welcomed identical twin daughters, Victoria and Ysabel, on Sunday in West Palm Beach, Fla., People reported. Jordan, 50, and his wife, 35, were married last April.

Yvette Prieto babies Ysabel and Victoria arrived late Sunday night, says a Michael Jordan spokesman.

CHARLOTTE, N.C. — Michael Jordan has more to be happy about than just the improved play of his NBA franchise. His wife, Yvette, has given birth to the couple's identical twin daughters, Jordan's spokeswoman Estee Portnoy told The Associated Press.

Michael Jordan, Yvette Prieto welcome twin girls. Michael Jordan and Yvette Prieto arrive at the Michael Jordan Celebrity Invitational opening night dinner in Las Vegas on April 3, 2013. AP. Shares. Tweets; Stumble. Email; More +. Michael Jordan