Memories Pizza in Indiana Gets Thousands in Donations After Saying It Won't …

Lawrence Billy Jones III – a reporter for The Blaze, a conservative news site – started a GoFundMe page Wednesday to raise $45,000 for the family-owned pizzeria in Walkerton to “relieve the financial loss endured by the proprietors' stand for faith

Earlier this week, a South Bend TV reporter named Alyssa Marino (pictured above) went to the nearby tiny town of Walkerton, entered a family-owned restaurant called Memories Pizza, and asked one of the proprietors for her 

Lawrence Billy Jones III – a reporter for The Blaze, a conservative news site – started a GoFundMe page Wednesday to raise $45,000 for the family-owned pizzeria in Walkerton to “relieve the financial loss endured by the proprietors' stand for faith

Conservative TV station TheBlaze TV has set up a crowdsourced online fundraising account for the proprietors of Memories Pizza after the family told reporters it had been harassed since coming out as the first Indiana business owners to say they would

There were no complaints nor denials of service to anyone ever, but because of their religious beliefs, Memories Pizza stands in ruin and the family who owns it has had their lives threatened countless times. How did the