Mallory Edens, daughter of Bucks co-owner, is the breakout star of the NBA …

You saw Mallory Edens debut as the daughter of Milwaukee Bucks owner Wesley Edens at the NBA Draft Lottery. The rest is history. She went from 800 followers to 4000 Twitter followers in less than 20 minutes. That's the 

Mallory Edens! — Sports Spot (@NYSportsSpot) May 21, 2014. Move over, Katherine Webb. The Cleveland Cavaliers won the NBA Draft Lottery Tuesday night. But Mallory Edens, the 18-year-old daughter Milwaukee Bucks 

Last night, Mallory Edens, the daughter of Milwaukee Bucks co-owner Wesley Edens, became an instant celebrity by representing the team at the NBA Draft Lottery. Her dad probably thought bringing his high school daughter along to the televised event 

Twitter blew up with tweets fawning over Mallory Edens, the Milwaukee Bucks representative and 18-year-old daughter of Bucks' owner Wesley Edens (yeah, we're just as creeped out … doesn't she have to be in high school home room tomorrow?). Despite 

You saw Mallory Edens debut as the daughter of Milwaukee Bucks owner Wesley Edens at the NBA Draft Lottery. The rest is history. She went from 800 followers to 4000 Twitter followers in less than 20 minutes. That's the