Malaysia Airlines Flight 370: Get up to speed on the latest developments

This southern path could explain why authorities haven't been able to find Flight 370 yet, because the area it supposedly would have ended up in is so vast and uninhabited. But we're obviously still very far away from having 

A day after authorities all but confirmed that one of the two pilots flying Flight 370 were involved in its disappearance, a new report on March 16 claimed that one of them, Zaharie Ahmad Shah, was a fanatically 'obsessed' political activist Zaharie specifically has seemed to open some new leads, as investigators have reportedly discovered that he was a deeply political person who watched his party leader sentenced to prison just hours before he boarded Flight 370.

Even with new information about the fate of Malaysian Airlines Flight 370 coming to light Sunday, experts say that the plane's disappearance is still shrouded in mystery and might never be found. "A week after this plane went missing, nobody can tell

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia – Someone deliberately diverted Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 and shut down communications with the ground, and the jetliner continued flying for six hours, Malaysia's prime minister said Saturday. The announcement shifted the

On March 8, Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 disappeared during its flight between Kuala Lumpur and Beijing. Three days later, the plane and its 239 passengers and crew members have yet to be found. How, in this modern