Mad Men Who Cannot Function on Their Own: 'Jesus, What Am I Gonna Do?'

Everyone grew up in Matthew Weiner's penultimate episode of "Mad Men," but Betty and Sally rightfully stole the show.

Elisabeth Moss, as Peggy Olson, and Jon Hamm, as Don Draper, in AMC's "Mad Men." Posted: Sunday, May 10, 2015 9:30 am. TV picks: Penultimate 'Mad Men' episode, 'Good Wife' finale By Sara Ziegler / World-Herald staff writer The Omaha World-Herald.

On Mad Men, everyone drinks, all the time. So it's not surprising that the libations featured throughout have permeated their way into our bar culture since the show premiered in 2007. Nostalgia for retro cocktails is in, says Erin Davey, the director

Mad Men is predicated on said “illusions”—family, martinis, glamour, all in the service of filling the existential vacuum. It's about how we're all, in this game of life, malleable commodities shaped by a series of moments, many of which are beyond

I don't think any of us saw that coming. Don Draper tries to disappear himself into the middle of nowhere, only to reveal his deepest, darkest secret to a table of strangers. Roy from The Office stops by Mad Men as a war vet slinging whiskey in an old