Lyrid meteor shower to peak this morning

This year's Lyrid meteor shower is expected to peak between midnight and dawn on Tuesday, April 22 (and possibly Wednesday, April 23d). Here's what you need to know to spot as many meteors as possible.

And while this year's "last quarter moon" may make it harder to spot less bright meteors, don't worry — the agency is scheduled to stream a live broadcast of the meteor shower tonight beginning at 8:30 pm EDT — just check it out above. "This is not

This year's Lyrid meteor shower is expected to peak between midnight and dawn on Tuesday, April 22 (and possibly Wednesday, April 23d). Here's what you need to know to spot as many meteors as possible.

The 2014 Lyrids meteor shower kicked off last Wednesday, April 16, and the celestial display is expected to run until April 25, Friday with the peak happening on Tuesday night, April 22. Sky watchers will be able to observe the meteor shower from

The Lyrid meteor showers are expected to peak tonight, near sunrise Tuesday morning. The question, as with most sky events in Michigan, is will it be clear enough to see the meteors? There is some good news there. The Lyrid meteors are called so