Lou Ferrigno Dead — Not! Death Hoax Craze Strikes Beloved TV Hulk Actor

During an interview for a radio station in Minnesota (via Latino-Review), Lou Ferrigno revealed that there are indeed plans for a stand alone Hulk adventure, saying “Now because [Hulk] saved the day [in the first 'Avengers'] they're making another solo

The Incredible Hulk television series may have ended in 1982, but to this day, Lou Ferrigno still epitomizes the character for millions of fans. It is by no coincidence that he provided The Hulk's ® voice for the Incredible Hulk 

But this weekend's comicon is drawing Lou Ferrigno and a bunch of other legendary actors and comic book writers and illustrators who will gather Saturday and Sunday at the TD Convention Center. Rob Young and the community at Borderlands Comics 

Just after revealing a return to voice grunts, roars and other sounds from The Hulk that don't involve real dialogue in The Avengers: Age of Ultron, iconic bodybuilder and TV star Lou Ferrigno has more potential news for fans 

"Lou Ferrigno told a local radio station in Minnesota that Marvel is- indeed- planning another solo film. After talking about how Ruffalo's Hulk was the "star of the movie" in the first Avengers, claiming he "saved the day," the actor said, "Now