Lizard Squad Claims PlayStation Network Attack

Xbox Live online service was not available overnight after hackers belonging to the Lizard Squad hacking team hit it with a DDoS attack.

First, Lizard Squad, the self-professed “king of DDoS,” took down Xbox Live early last week. The ensuing outage lasted all of Monday night, with Microsoft support announcing that service had been restored on Tuesday.

The cyber attacks on Sony just keep on coming, with the latest targeting the PlayStation Network and apparently ending after a few hours of outage.

Notorious Hacker Group Lizard Squad has taken down "Xbox Live" with the DDoS attack once again. This is their second DDoS attack on Xbox Live this week, Lizard Squad did the same thing lastTuesday (December 2014).

Lizard Squad seem to be on a DDOS attack spree as it has taken down the PSN for now, although promises more things are coming. If you go to the Lizard Squad Twitter page, they have once again claimed responsibility for taking down the PSN. They have