Live like the 'Wolf of Wall Street' on your own movie yacht

We take a look at all the great new releases on Netflix (DVD and streaming) for the week of March 24.

Martin Scorsese's latest big screen endeavor is a lesson in excess, a depraved two-hour business film filled with drugs, more drugs and people behaving very selfishly with little remorse. The Wolf of Wall Street is about turning penny stocks into big

With the release tomorrow of The Wolf of Wall Street on DVD and Blue-ray it seemed a good idea to revisit this Martin Scorsese and Leonardo DiCaprio stock market Goodfellas. The original Goodfellas, which was also based 

With the release tomorrow of The Wolf of Wall Street on DVD and Blue-ray it seemed a good idea to revisit this Martin Scorsese and Leonardo DiCaprio stock market Goodfellas. The original Goodfellas, which was also based 

All of them were taken public by the Wolf of Wall Street's firm Stratton Oakmont Inc in order to defraud unwitting investors and enrich yourselves. [Editor's note: A correction was made to this paragraph; see note at the bottom of